Bonjour lovelies! Looking to add a little fun and festive spring home décor? Well, I have a simple DIY of spring butterflies perfect for the upcoming weekend to flutter a dose of the new season around. For this project I cut out pages of old Vogue issues with some of the most gorgeous images. You definitely could use any type of paper (just not too thick) but I find that colorful magazine clippings make beautiful butterflies and little conversation pieces. Just add a little mounting putty on the back of each butterfly to hang up anywhere. Keep reading for the instructions…
- cut-out templates
- black pipe cleaners
- black sharpie
- magazine clippings
- scissors
- With sharpie trace template out on magazine template.
- Cutout template.
- Start folding the top portion of the butterfly.
- Continue folding accordion style.
- Then with the smaller side of the bottom portion of the butterfly, fold over.
- Using that first fold as a guide, continue folding accordion style.
- Lay out top and bottom “wings” of the butterfly with the smallest side of the bottom facing down.
- Pinch both together in the center.
- Take a pipe cleaner and wrap around the center (where you pinched together).
- Twist to secure pipe cleaner and curl the top of the antenna.